COMSATS University Islamabad
Registrar Office, Principal Seat, Islamabad


Scheme of Studies of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration for Spring 2024

It is Hereby notified that the Academic Council in its 13th Meeting held on June 04, 2012 approved the following Scheme of studies of the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, BS(BA) with effect from at CIIT system.

1. Minimum Duration:  Years
2. Maximum Duration: 0 Years
4. Maximum Semesters: 0 
Course WorkMin No. of CoursesMin No. of Credit Hrs
1  a. General Education Courses:
2  b. Majors
3  1. Major Discipline Courses
4  2. Major Specialization Courses
5  c. Interdisciplinary Courses
6  d. Internship
7  e. Capstone Project


Common policies and procedures notified vide No. CUI-Reg/Notif-1794/23/1884,dated August 25, 2023 relating to Undergraduate Degree Programs approved by the Competent Authority and amended from time to time shall be applicable.
    Credit Hours : Please provide total credit hours for this scheme from manage course schemes

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
1 MGT397 Internship 3(0, 3)
3. List of Interdisciplinary/Allied Courses: (all three courses from the following list)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
2 ECO400 Business Economics 3(3, 0)
3 LAW300 Corporate Law 3(3, 0)
4 MTH264 Statistical Inference 3(3, 0)
4. List of Language Electives as Interdisciplinary Course: (any one course from the Language Electives as Interdisciplinary/Allied Course)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
5 HUM430 French 3(3, 0)
6 HUM431 German 3(3, 0)
7 HUM432 Arabic 3(3, 0)
8 HUM433 Persian 3(3, 0)
9 HUM434 Chinese 3(3, 0)
10 HUM435 Japanese 3(3, 0)
8.2 List of Accounting Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
11 ACC402 Accounting Information System 3(2, 1)
12 ACC459 Business Taxation 3(3, 0) MGT330
13 ACC460 Issues in Financial Accounting 3(3, 0) MGT191
14 ACC462 Issues in Management Accounting 3(3, 0) ACC201
15 ACC462 Issues in Management accounting 3(3, 0)
16 ACC465 Seminar in Accounting 3(3, 0) MGT191
17 ACC466 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation 3(3, 0) MGT191
18 ACC467 Strategic Management Accounting 3(3, 0) ACC201
19 ACC467 Strategic Management accounting 3(3, 0)
20 ACC471 Advanced Management Accounting 3(3, 0) ACC201
21 ACC471 Advanced Management accounting 3(3, 0)
22 MGT469 Advanced Auditing 3(3, 0)
Application of Information and Communication Technologies (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
23 CSC101 Applications of Information and Communication Technologies 3(2, 1)
Arts and Humanities (any one Course from the following list) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
24 ARC190 Art Appreciation 2(2, 0)
25 CSC210 Professional Practices 2(2, 0)
26 HUM123 Fundamentals of Philosophy 2(2, 0)
Capstone Project: /
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
27 MGT497 Capstone Project 3(0, 3)
Civics and Community Engagement (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
28 HUM208 Civics and Community Engagement 2(2, 0)
Entrepreneurship (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
29 MGT250 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 2(2, 0)
Expository Writing (any one course from the following list)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
30 HUM102 Report Writing Skills 3(3, 0)
31 HUM120 Expository Writing 3(3, 0)
Functional English (any one course from the following list)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
32 HUM100 English Comprehension and Composition 3(3, 0)
33 HUM104 Functional English 3(3, 0)
Course Offering: These courses will be offered preferably in the first two semesters in all undergraduate / equivalent degree programs, including Associate Degrees.
General Education (Gen Ed) Requirements: (Mmandatory/Core Curses): The minimum requirement for Gen Ed is 30 credits hours:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
34 FIN473 Financial Econometrics 3(3, 0)
35 FIN475 Marketing of Financial Services 3(3, 0)
36 FIN477 Credit Management 3(3, 0)
i. Marketing Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
37 MKT470 Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations 3(3, 0)
38 MKT471 Consumer Behavior 3(3, 0) MGT311
39 MKT472 International Marketing 3(3, 0) MGT311
40 MKT473 Cyber Marketing 3(3, 0) MGT311
41 MKT474 New Product Development 3(3, 0) MGT311
42 MKT475 Integrated Marketing Communications 3(3, 0) MGT311
43 MKT476 Brand Management 3(3, 0) MGT311
44 MKT477 Service Marketing 3(3, 0) MGT311
45 MKT478 Industrial Marketing 3(3, 0) MGT311
46 MKT479 Marketing Research 3(3, 0) MGT311
47 MKT480 Strategic Marketing 3(3, 0) MGT311
48 MKT481 Advertising and Event Management 3(3, 0) MGT311
49 MKT482 Sales Force Management 3(3, 0) MGT311
50 MKT483 Marketing of IT and Telecom Products 3(3, 0) MGT311
51 MKT484 Customer Relation Management 3(3, 0) MGT311
52 MKT485 Agriculture Marketing 3(3, 0) MGT311
53 MKT486 Seminar in Marketing 3(3, 0) MGT311
54 MKT487 Sales Strategy and Implementation 3(3, 0) MGT311
55 MKT488 Digital and Social Media Marketing 3(3, 0) MGT311
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
56 HUM113 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2(2, 0)
ii. Human Resource Management Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
57 HRM471 Workforce Diversity 3(3, 0) MGT350
58 HRM472 Human Resource Technology 3(3, 0) MGT350
59 HRM473 Leadership and Team Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
60 HRM474 Crisis and Conflict Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
61 HRM475 Human Resource Development 3(3, 0) MGT350
62 HRM476 Compensation Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
63 HRM477 Human Resource Information Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
64 HRM478 Organizational Development and Change Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
65 HRM479 Performance and Career Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
66 HRM480 International Human Resource Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
67 HRM481 Strategic Human Resource Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
68 HRM482 Employee Relation Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
69 HRM483 Seminar in Human Resource Management 3(3, 0) MGT350
iii. Entrepreneurship Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
70 ENP471 Building and Sustaining a Successful Enterprise 3(3, 0)
71 ENP472 Entrepreneurial Finance 3(3, 0)
72 ENP473 Entrepreneurial Marketing 3(3, 0)
73 ENP474 Evaluating the Entrepreneurial Opportunity 3(3, 0)
74 ENP475 International Entrepreneurship 3(3, 0)
75 ENP476 Inventing Breakthroughs and Commercializing Science 3(3, 0)
76 ENP477 Management of the Family Business 3(3, 0)
77 ENP478 Managing Innovation and Product Development 3(3, 0)
78 ENP479 Entrepreneurial Leadership 3(3, 0)
Islamic Studies (Mandatory course. HUM116 Ethics is only for Non-Muslims Students) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
79 HUM112 Islamic Studies 2(2, 0)
80 HUM116 Ethics 2(2, 0)
iv. International Business Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
81 IBS471 Advanced International Business 3(3, 0)
82 IBS472 Globalization and Corporate Strategy 3(3, 0)
83 IBS474 Cross Cultural Management 3(3, 0)
84 IBS475 International Trade Law 3(3, 0)
85 IBS477 The Emerging Economies 3(3, 0)
86 IBS479 International Operation and Procurement 3(3, 0)
87 MGT482 International Financial Management 3(3, 0)
ix. Islamic Finance Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
88 IBF471 Islamic Banking, Theory and Practice 3(3, 0)
89 IBF472 Islamic Accounting Standards 3(3, 0)
90 IBF473 Islamic Financial Instruments 3(3, 0)
91 IBF474 Contemporary Issues in Islamic Finance 3(3, 0)
92 IBF475 Micro Financing in Islamic Banking Industry 3(3, 0)
93 IBF476 Islamic Banking and Financial Markets 3(3, 0)
94 IBF477 Monetary & Fiscal Framework in Islamic Finance 3(3, 0)
95 IBF478 Islamic Funds Mobilization 3(3, 0)
96 IBF479 Takaful, Theory and Practice 3(3, 0)
97 IBF480 Islamic Commercial Laws 3(3, 0)
List of Major Discipline Courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
98 ACC201 Cost and Management Accounting 3(3, 0) MGT132
99 MGT100 Introduction to Business 3(3, 0)
100 MGT101 Introduction to Management 3(3, 0)
101 MGT132 Principles of Accounting 3(3, 0)
102 MGT173 Programming Language for Business Analytics 3(2, 1)
103 MGT191 Financial Accounting 3(3, 0) MGT132
104 MGT232 Business Finance 3(3, 0)
105 MGT243 E-Business 3(2, 1)
106 MGT300 Organizational Behavior 3(3, 0) MGT101
107 MGT301 Research Tools and Techniques 3(3, 0)
108 MGT311 Marketing Management in Digital Era 3(3, 0)
109 MGT330 Financial Management 3(3, 0) MGT232
110 MGT380 Global Business Management 3(3, 0)
111 MGT387 Databases for Business 3(2, 1)
112 MGT401 Corporate Governance 3(3, 0)
113 MGT461 Project Management 3(3, 0)
114 MGT470 Strategic Management 3(3, 0)
Minor(s) in Business Administration: (Students can opt any four courses from the following clusters) Human Resource Management
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
115 MGT350 Human Resource Management 3(3, 0)
Minor(s) in Business Administration: (Students can opt any four courses from the following clusters) Marketing
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
116 MGT210 Fundamentals of Marketing 3(3, 0)
Minor(s) in Business Administration: (Students can opt any four courses from the following clusters) Supply Chain Management
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
117 MGT362 Production and Operations Management 3(3, 0)
Natural Sciences (any one course from the following list) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
118 BIO100 Fundamentals of Biology 3(2, 1)
119 ENV120 Environmental Chemistry 3(2, 1)
120 ERS203 Environmental Geology 3(2, 1)
121 FSN246 Contemporary Nutrition 3(2, 1)
122 PHY124 Applied Physics 3(2, 1)
Quantitative Reasoning (any two courses from the following list)) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
123 MTH103 Exploring Quantitative Skills 3(3, 0)
124 MTH114 Tools for Quantitative Reasoning 3(3, 0) MTH103
Quantitative Reasoning (Mandatory courses) /
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
125 MGT161 Quantitative Analysis for Management I 3(3, 0)
126 MGT162 Quantitative Analysis for Management II 3(3, 0)
Social Sciences (any one course from the following list) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
127 HUM122 Fundamentals of Psychology 2(2, 0)
128 HUM130 Fundamentals of Sociology 2(2, 0)
129 HUM131 Anthropology 2(2, 0)
130 HUM209 Fundamentals of Political Science 2(2, 0)
131 HUM222 Fundamentals of International Relations 2(2, 0)
v. Business and Law Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
132 BBL471 Banking and Finance Law 3(3, 0)
133 BBL472 International Investment Law 3(3, 0)
134 BBL473 International Tax Law 3(3, 0)
135 BBL474 International Trade and Business Law 3(3, 0)
136 BBL475 Corporate and Financial Crimes 3(3, 0)
137 BBL476 Financial Law 3(3, 0)
138 BBL477 Employment Law 3(3, 0)
139 BBL478 Cyber Law and Information Security 3(3, 0)
140 BBL479 Innovation, Technology and Patent Law 3(3, 0)
141 BBL480 Media and Communications Regulation 3(3, 0)
142 BBL481 International Contracts 3(3, 0)
143 BBL482 Takeovers and Securities Regulation 3(3, 0)
vi. Supply Chain Management Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
144 SCM471 Logistics Management 3(3, 0)
145 SCM472 Total Quality Management 3(3, 0)
146 SCM473 Demand Planning and Fulfillment 3(3, 0)
147 SCM474 Project Supply Chain Management 3(3, 0)
148 SCM475 Principles of Inventory and Materials Management 3(3, 0)
149 SCM476 Decision Modeling in Supply Chain 3(3, 0)
150 SCM477 Special Topics in Supply Chain Management 3(3, 0)
151 SCM478 Supply Chain Design, Management and Control 3(3, 0)
152 SCM479 Negotiations in Supply Chain 3(3, 0)
153 SCM480 Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Management 3(3, 0)
154 SCM481 Inter-organizational Behavior 3(3, 0)
155 SCM482 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chain Management 3(3, 0)
156 SCM483 Transportation Management 3(3, 0)
157 SCM484 Supply Chain Finance 3(3, 0)
158 SCM485 Supply Chain Risk Management 3(3, 0)
159 SCM486 International Logistics Management 3(3, 0)
160 SCM487 Sustainable Supply Chain Management 3(3, 0)
161 SCM488 Supply Chain Software 3(3, 0)
vii. Banking and Finance Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
162 BBF471 Comparative Financial Systems 3(3, 0)
163 BBF472 International Banking 3(3, 0)
164 BBF473 Islamic Financial Instruments and Institutions 3(3, 0)
165 BBF474 Islamic Insurance 3(3, 0)
166 BBF475 Bank Management 3(3, 0)
167 BBF476 Consumer Banking 3(3, 0)
168 BBF477 Investment Banking 3(3, 0)
169 BBF478 Risk Management in Banks 3(3, 0)
170 FIN472 Derivatives and Financial Risk Management 3(3, 0) MGT330
171 FIN473 Financial Econometrics 3(3, 0) MGT330
172 FIN474 Advanced Financial Markets and Institutions 3(3, 0) MGT330
173 FIN475 Marketing of Financial Services 3(3, 0) MGT330
174 FIN476 International Finance 3(3, 0) MGT330
175 FIN477 Credit Management 3(3, 0)
176 FIN478 Seminar in Finance 3(3, 0) MGT330
viii. Finance and Accounting Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
177 FIN450 Investment and Portfolio Management 3(3, 0) MGT330
178 FIN460 Corporate Finance 3(3, 0) MGT330
179 FIN471 Islamic Banking and Finance 3(3, 0) MGT330
180 FIN479 Financial Innovation and Technology 3(3, 0)
181 FIN480 Behavioral Finance 3(3, 0) MGT330
182 FIN481 Advanced Financial Management 3(3, 0) MGT330
183 FIN482 International Financial Institutions 3(3, 0) MGT330
184 FIN483 Commercial Banking 3(3, 0) MGT330
185 FIN484 Real Estate Finance 3(3, 0) MGT330
x. Hospitality and Tourism Management Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
186 HTM471 Hospitality and Tourism Management 3(3, 0)
187 HTM472 Hospitality and Tourism; Planning and Development 3(3, 0)
188 HTM473 Hotel and Catering Operations Management 3(3, 0)
189 HTM474 Management of Food and Beverage Operations 3(3, 0)
190 HTM475 Food and Nutrition Concepts 3(3, 0)
191 HTM476 Cross Cultural Etiquette and Protocol 3(3, 0)
192 HTM477 Tourism Geography 3(3, 0)
193 HTM478 Tourism Economics 3(3, 0)
194 HTM479 Tourism Dimensions in Contemporary Society 3(3, 0)
195 HTM480 International Practices and Trends in Hospitality Industry 3(3, 0)
xi. Digital Business Management Specialization Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
196 DBM471 Digital Business Model Innovation 3(3, 0) MGT243
197 DBM472 Business Intelligence 3(3, 0)
198 DBM473 Financial Technology for Digital Business 3(0, 0)
199 DBM474 Web Development in Digital Business 3(2, 1) MGT243
200 DBM475 Online Store Management 3(3, 0)
201 DBM476 Digital Marketing and Analytics 3(2, 1) MGT173
202 DBM477 Social Commerce 3(3, 0) MGT243
203 DBM478 Cybersecurity for Digital Business 3(3, 0)
204 DBM479 Big Data Analytics and Business Decisions 3(2, 1) MGT173


1. The Non-Muslim students can take HUM114, Ethics, 3(3, 0) course in lieu of the course HUM110, Islamic Studies, 3(3, 0) 2. For admissions effective from Fall 2015, the students shall opt five courses from the list of finance courses and three courses from the list of accounting courses, offered under finance and accounting specialization.

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Sunday, February 16, 2025


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