COMSATS University Islamabad
Registrar Office, Principal Seat, Islamabad


Scheme of Studies of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering for Spring 2024

It is Hereby notified that the Academic Council in its 13th Meeting held on June 04, 2012 approved the following Scheme of studies of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, BS (CE) with effect from at CIIT system.

1. Minimum Duration:  Years
2. Maximum Duration: 0 Years
4. Maximum Semesters: 0 
Course WorkMin No. of CoursesMin No. of Credit Hrs
1  a. General Education Courses:
2  1. Engineering Core Courses
3  2. Computer Engineering Depth Electives
4  3. Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Electives
5  c. Interdisciplinary/Allied Courses:
6  d. Field Experience/Internship:
7  d. Field Experience/Internship:
8  e. Capstone Project


Common policies and procedures notified vide No. CUI-Reg/Notif-1794/23/1884,dated August 25, 2023 relating to Undergraduate Degree Programs approved by the Competent Authority and amended from time to time shall be applicable.
    Credit Hours : Please provide total credit hours for this scheme from manage course schemes

1. Engineering Core Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
1 CPE122 Linear Circuit Analysis 4(3, 1)
2 CPE214 Computer-Aided Engineering Design 1(0, 1)
3 CPE223 Signals and Systems 4(3, 1) MTH242
4 CPE231 Electronic Devices and Circuits 4(3, 1) CPE122
5 CPE241 Digital Logic Design 4(3, 1)
6 CPE251 Probability Methods in Engineering 3(3, 0) MTH114
7 CPE314 Data Communication and Computer Networks 4(3, 1)
8 CPE324 Digital Signal Processing 4(3, 1) CPE223
9 CPE342 Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing 4(3, 1) CPE241
10 CPE343 Computer Organization and Architecture 4(3, 1) CPE241
11 CPE344 Digital System Design 4(3, 1) CPE241
12 CPE345 Embedded Systems Workshop 1(0, 1) CPE342 ,CSC103
13 CPE462 Artificial Intelligence 3(2, 1) CSC103
14 CSC211 Data Structures and Algorithms 4(3, 1) CSC103
15 CSC241 Object Oriented Programming 4(3, 1) CSC103
16 CSC270 Database Systems 4(3, 1)
17 CSC291 Software Engineering Concepts 3(3, 0)
18 CSC323 Operating Systems 3(2, 1)
19 EGG101 Engineering Professionalism 3(3, 0)
2. Computer Engineering Depth Electives
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
20 CPE325 Control Systems 4(3, 1) CPE223
21 CPE415 Digital Image Processing 4(3, 1) CPE223
22 CPE434 VLSI Design 4(3, 1) CPE231 ,CPE241
23 CPE440 Computer Architecture 3(3, 0) CPE343
24 CPE441 Hardware-Software Codesign 4(3, 1) CPE342
25 CPE442 Digital and Mixed Signal System Testing and Testable Design 4(3, 1) CPE241 ,CSC211
26 CPE444 Advanced Digital System Design 4(3, 1) CPE344
27 CPE445 Internet of Things 3(3, 0)
28 CPE446 Real Time Embedded Systems 4(3, 1) CPE342
29 CPE447 Robotics 3(3, 0) CPE325
30 CPE461 Neural Networks 3(3, 0)
31 CPE472 Speech, Image and Video Processing 3(3, 0) CPE223
32 CSC232 Information Security 3(2, 1)
33 CSC334 Parallel and Distributed Computing 3(2, 1) CSC323
34 CSC354 Machine Learning 3(3, 0)
35 CSC495 Game Development 3(3, 0) CSC241
36 CSC497 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3(2, 1) CSC270
37 DSC293 Data Science Fundamentals 3(2, 1)
3 List of Interdisciplinary courses: (all four courses from the following list)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
38 MGT462 Project Planning and Management 3(3, 0)
39 MTH211 Discrete Mathematics 3(3, 0)
40 MTH242 Differential Equations 3(3, 0)
3. Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Electives
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
41 CSC303 Mobile Application Development 3(2, 1) CSC241
42 CSC336 Web Technologies 3(2, 1) CSC241
43 EEE232 Electronics II 4(3, 1) CPE231
44 EEE333 Analog Integrated Circuits, Analysis and Design 4(3, 1) CPE231
45 EEE351 Principles of Communication Systems 4(3, 1) CPE223
46 EEE353 Digital Communication Systems 4(3, 1) CPE251 ,EEE351
47 EEE354 Telecommunication Systems Engineering 3(3, 0) EEE351
48 EEE371 Electric Machines 4(3, 1) CPE122
49 EEE375 Power Distribution and Utilization 4(3, 1) CPE122
50 EEE382 Power Generation 3(3, 0)
51 EEE456 Broadband Technologies 3(3, 0)
52 EEE464 Wireless Communication Systems 3(3, 0) EEE351
53 EEE488 Renewable and Alternate Energy Systems 3(3, 0)
54 EEE489 Power Plant Engineering 3(3, 0) CPE122
5. Capstone Project (Mandatory Course )
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
55 EGG498 Final Year Project (Part I)* 3(0, 3)
56 EGG499 Final Year Project (Part II)* 3(0, 3) EGG498
Applications of Information and Communication Technologies (any one course from the following list) /
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
57 CSC101 Applications of Information and Communication Technologies 3(2, 1)
58 CSC103 Programming Fundamentals 4(3, 1)
Arts and Humanities (any one Course from the following list) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
59 HUM107 21st Century Communication Skills 2(2, 0)
60 HUM122 Fundamentals of Psychology 2(2, 0)
61 HUM123 Fundamentals of Philosophy 2(2, 0)
62 HUM130 Fundamentals of Sociology 2(2, 0)
63 HUM131 Anthropology 2(2, 0)
64 HUM209 Fundamentals of Political Science 2(2, 0)
65 HUM222 Fundamentals of International Relations 2(2, 0)
Civics and Community Engagement (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
66 HUM208 Civics and Community Engagement 2(2, 0)
Entrepreneurship (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
67 MGT250 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 2(2, 0)
Expository Writing (Mandatory Course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
68 HUM120 Expository Writing 3(3, 0)
Functional English (Mandatory Course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
69 HUM104 Functional English 3(3, 0)
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
70 HUM113 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2(2, 0)
Internship (Mandatory - Field Experience/Internship of minimum 6-8 weeks duration, preferably conducted in summer breaks after 4th semester) /
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
71 EGG497 Internship 3(0, 3)
Islamic Studies (Mandatory course. HUM116 Ethics is only for Non-Muslims Students) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
72 HUM112 Islamic Studies 2(2, 0)
73 HUM116 Ethics 2(2, 0)
Natural Sciences (Mandatory Courses) /
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
74 PHY124 Applied Physics 3(2, 1)
Quantitative Reasoning (any two courses from the following list)) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
75 MTH103 Exploring Quantitative Skills 3(3, 0)
76 MTH104 Tools for Quantitative Reasoning 3(3, 0)
77 MTH114 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3(3, 0)
78 MTH231 Linear Algebra 3(3, 0)
Social Science (Mandatory Course) /
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
79 ECO290 Fundamentals of Engineering Economics 2(2, 0)


03 credit hours of theory is equivalent to 03 hours of lectures whereas 01 credit hour of lab is equivalent to 03 hours of lab session. All the lab sessions are graded. Students have to pass both theory and lab to earn the course credits. † Courses with prerequisites can only be allowed if all prerequisite courses have been passed. ** Students must clear at least 80 credit hours (engineering and non-engineering subjects) to be eligible to register the final year Project. * With the consent of the Departmental Head, the student can take any approved course of EE which he/she has not taken before according to his/her aptitude and/or future plans. ***With the consent of Department, the student may select interdisciplinary elective course from the list of courses and the student may select any approved course of EE, which he/she has not taken before. ****With the consent of Department, the student can select an elective course in their area of specialization (chosen major) according to their aptitudes and requirements of the final year project. Note: The student has the flexibility of selecting between Major Elective V, VI and CE Open Electives, and Inter Disciplinary Electives from the list of elective courses. Note: The Pr-requisite(s) for the course EEE353 Digital Communication Systems is either EEE351 or EEE352. Note: The Pr-requisite(s) for the course EEE354 Telecommunication Systems Engineering is either EEE351 or EEE352. Note: The Pr-requisite(s) for the course EEE464 Wireless Communication Systems is either EEE351 or EEE353. As per the notified Scheme of Studies of BS in Computer Engineering notified vide No. CIIT-Reg/Notif-1908/17/2429 dated August 21, 2017. the following may be noted in the list of IDEE; 1. The per-requisite of course EEE351 is either EEE223 or CPE223. 2. The per-requisite of course EEE353 is either EEE351 or EEE352. 3. The per-requisite of course EEE354 is either EEE351 or EEE352. 4. The per-requisite of course EEE456 is either EEE314 or CPE314. 5. The per-requisite of course EEE464 is either EEE351 or EEE353. 6. The per-requisite of course EEE371 is either EEE222or CPE222. 7. The per-requisite of course EEE375 is either EEE222 or CPE222. 8. The per-requisite of course EEE333 is either EEE231 or CPE231. 9. The per-requisite of course EEE232 is either EEE231 or CPE231. 9. The per-requisite of course EEE489 is either EEE222 or CPE222

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