COMSATS University Islamabad
Registrar Office, Principal Seat, Islamabad


Scheme of Studies of Master of Science in Computer Engineering for Spring 2024

It is Hereby notified that the Academic Council in its 13th Meeting held on June 04, 2012 approved the following Scheme of studies of the Master of Science in Computer Engineering, MS(CE) with effect from at CIIT system.

1. Minimum Duration: 2 Years
2. Minimum Semesters: 4
2. Maximum Duration: 0 Years
4. Maximum Semesters: 0 
3. No. of Credit Hours in each Semester: 30 -
Course WorkMin No. of Credit Hrs
1  Specialization/Area Elective Course
2  Open/Cross Area Elective Course
3  Thesis
Total No. of Courses of the Program: 8


1. Admission to MS and PhD programs at CUI will adhere to existing criteria, withrelevance of prior degrees being crucial. If deemed necessary, additional courses may be required to rectify deficiencies. Approval for admission within the CUI System is contingent upon the relevance of the previous degree as per Notification No: CUI - Reg / Notif - 458 / 23 / 493, dated February 28, 2023, stating that the decision made by the Board of Advanced Studies and Research(BASAR) during its meeting on November 30, 2022, stipulated that admission within the CUI System shall be contingent upon possession of a relevant prior degree.In instances where doubts regarding the relevance of a prior degree arise, the determination of relevance thereof shall be made by the respective Dean irrespective of title of the prior degree, based on recommendations put forth by the respective Campus Admission Committee, HoD, and Chairperson, on a case -by -case basis as required.The decision rendered by the Dean in such cases shall be documented within the student's personal file for record-keeping and reference purposes. The additional GRE-Subject test for MS and PhD programs won't be mandatory for such candidates.
2. Furthermore, if the Dean determines that the candidate does not possess the necessary relevant degree, the candidate shall be admitted under the Interdisciplinary category. Additionally, the candidate must undertake the additional GRE-Subject test for MS and PhD programs as a mandatory requirement. Such candidates are required to fulfill all mandatory requirements outlined under the Interdisciplinary clauses. However, if the Dean, by following the above procedure decides that the previous degree, irrespective of the title of the degree of the candidate does not fall under the Interdisciplinary category, the candidate shall not be admitted at CUI System.
3. MS students shall enroll for 09 to 12 credit hours per semester for coursework, with flexibility granted in exceptional cases such as force majeure incidents including inevitable accident, unavoidable casualty, vis major. type of calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune. The Dean may adjust credit hour requirements based on recommendations from the DAC, HoD, and Chairperson. Following coursework, students must register exclusively for a thesis of 06 credit hours each subsequent semester to ensure continuous enrollment throughout their study period.
4. During its 38th meeting, the Academic Council approved the Common Policies, Procedures, and Template of Scheme of Studies for MS and PhD Programs at CUI, aligned with the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Graduate Education Policy (GEP) 2023, with the exception of the above-mentioned paragraphs.

    Credit Hours : Please provide total credit hours for this scheme from manage course schemes

 Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite(s)
1 EEE610 Engineering Mathematics 3(3, 0)

1 EEE610 Engineering Mathematics 3(3, 0)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
2 ECI660 Linear Control Systems 3(3, 0)
Biomedical Signal and Image Processing MS Comp. Engg Specialization
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
3 BME630 Physiological Monitoring and Data Analysis 3(3, 0)
4 BME731 Advanced Medical Imaging 3(3, 0)
5 BME780 Special Topics in Bio-Medical Engineering 3(3, 0)
6 BME840 Special Topics in Medical Imaging 3(3, 0)
7 BME841 Special Topics in Bio-Medical Data Processing 3(3, 0)
Data Engineering and Analytics MS Comp Engg. Specialization
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
8 ECI670 Neural and Fuzzy Systems 3(3, 0)
9 ECI672 Natural Language Processing 3(3, 0)
10 ECI731 Data Warehousing 3(3, 0)
11 ECI732 Data Mining 3(3, 0)
12 ECI870 Advanced Topics in AI and Neural Computing 3(3, 0)
13 ECI872 Advanced Topics in Knowledge Based Systems 3(3, 0)
14 ECI873 Advanced Topics in Decision Support Systems 3(3, 0)
15 ECI874 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning 3(3, 0)
16 EEE720 Modern Data Analysis Methods 3(3, 0)
Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (IoT) MS Computer Engg. Area Elective
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
17 ECI610 Advanced Digital Design 3(3, 0)
18 ECI611 Logic Design and Switching Theory 3(3, 0)
19 ECI612 Advanced Microprocessor Systems 3(3, 0)
20 ECI613 Advanced Operating Systems 3(3, 0)
21 ECI614 Advanced Computer Architecture 3(3, 0)
22 ECI615 Operating Systems Fundamentals 3(3, 0)
23 ECI620 ASIC and FPGA Design 3(3, 0)
24 ECI621 DSP Hardware Systems Design 3(3, 0)
25 ECI622 DSP Software Systems Design 3(3, 0)
26 ECI623 VLSI System Design 3(3, 0)
27 ECI630 Mobile Devices Programming 3(3, 0)
28 ECI631 Web Technologies 3(3, 0)
29 ECI632 Advanced Programming Techniques 3(3, 0)
30 ECI633 Software Development Methodologies 3(3, 0)
31 ECI634 Distributed Databases 3(3, 0)
32 ECI635 Object Oriented Databases 3(3, 0)
33 ECI636 Web Based Databases 3(3, 0)
34 ECI637 Data Structures for Computer Graphics 3(3, 0)
35 ECI710 Computer-Aided Design of Digital Systems I 3(3, 0)
36 ECI712 Multithreaded Architectures 3(3, 0)
37 ECI713 Parallel Processing 3(3, 0)
38 ECI714 Diagnosis and Design of Reliable Digital Systems 3(3, 0)
39 ECI715 Real Time Computer Systems 3(3, 0)
40 ECI716 Probabilistic Methods in Computer Systems Modeling 3(3, 0)
41 ECI717 Compiler Design 3(3, 0)
42 ECI718 Analysis of Algorithms 3(3, 0)
43 ECI720 Hardware/Software Co-Design Techniques 3(3, 0)
44 ECI722 Mixed-Signal VLSI Systems Design 3(3, 0)
45 ECI724 VLSI Architectures and Algorithms 3(3, 0)
46 ECI725 Design of Systems on a Chip (SoC) 3(3, 0)
47 ECI753 Advanced Computer Graphics 3(3, 0)
48 ECI810 Computer-Aided Design of Digital Systems II 3(3, 0)
49 ECI811 Special Topics in Computer Systems Architectures 3(3, 0)
50 ECI812 Advanced Topics in Digital Design 3(3, 0)
51 ECI813 Advanced Topics in Operating Systems 3(3, 0)
52 ECI815 Special Topics in Digital Design 3(3, 0)
53 ECI821 Advanced Topics in VLSI Design 3(3, 0)
54 ECI834 Data Authentication Techniques 3(3, 0)
55 ETN643 Communication Signal Processing 3(3, 0)
56 ETN644 Wireless Communication Techniques 3(3, 0)
57 ETN671 Advanced Computer Networks 3(3, 0)
58 ETN673 Graph Theory and Network Optimization 3(3, 0)
59 ETN676 Internetworking: Architectures, Protocols and Applications 3(3, 0)
60 ETN742 Advanced Information Theory and Coding 3(3, 0)
61 ETN767 Mobile Computing 3(3, 0)
62 ETN874 Advanced Network Security 3(3, 0)
List of Area Elective Courses with Specialization in Software Engineering List of Area Elective Courses with Specialization in Software Engineering
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
63 ECI737 Object Oriented Software Engineering 3(3, 0)
64 ECI745 3-D and Virtual Imaging 3(3, 0)
65 ECI750 Multimedia Data Compression 3(3, 0)
List of Core Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
66 BME640 Introductory Medical Imaging 3(3, 0)
67 BME650 Bio-Medical Instrumentation 3(3, 0)
68 ECI663 Robotics 3(3, 0)
69 ECI671 Artificial Intelligence 3(3, 0)
70 ECI748 Machine Learning 3(3, 0)
71 ETN641 Digital Communications 3(3, 0)
72 ETN651 Embedded System Design for Telecommunications 3(3, 0)
73 ETN689 Internet of Things (IoT) 3(3, 0)
List of Open Elective Courses List of Open Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
74 ECI651 Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval 3(3, 0)
75 ECI652 Multimedia Technologies 3(3, 0)
76 ECI662 Optimization Control Theory 3(3, 0)
77 ECI711 Performance of Computer Systems 3(3, 0)
78 ECI730 Protocol Software Design and Development 3(3, 0)
79 ECI733 Requirements Engineering 3(3, 0)
80 ECI734 Software Project Management 3(3, 0)
81 ECI735 Software Quality Assurance 3(3, 0)
82 ECI736 Software Engineering Technologies 3(3, 0)
83 ECI738 Geometric Modeling 3(3, 0)
84 ECI739 Computer Animation 3(3, 0)
85 ECI763 Multivariable Control 3(3, 0)
86 ECI764 Adaptive Control 3(3, 0)
87 ECI765 Robust Control 3(3, 0)
88 EEE613 Graph Theory 3(3, 0)
89 EEE615 Probabilistic Learning: Theory and Algorithms 3(3, 0)
90 EEE616 Optimization Theory 3(3, 0)
91 EEE621 Modeling and Simulation 3(3, 0)
92 EEE630 Professional Development 3(3, 0)
93 EEE631 Professional and Technical Communication 3(3, 0)
94 EEE632 Research Methods 3(3, 0)
95 EEE640 Innovation and Technology Development 3(3, 0)
96 EEE641 Socialogical Impact of Technology 3(3, 0)
97 EEE650 Project Management 3(3, 0)
98 EEE651 Engineering Project Management 3(3, 0)
99 EEE690 Industrial Project-I 3(3, 0)
100 EEE691 Independent Studies-I 3(3, 0)
101 EEE692 Directed Study-I 3(3, 0)
102 EEE710 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3(3, 0)
103 EEE711 Advanced Stochastic Processes 3(3, 0)
104 EEE712 Optimization Techniques 3(3, 0)
105 EEE714 Advanced Numerical Analysis 3(3, 0)
106 EEE715 Numerical Linear Algebra 3(3, 0)
107 EEE721 Formal Specification and Modeling 3(3, 0)
108 EEE722 Computational Biology 3(3, 0)
109 EEE730 Advanced Professional Development 3(3, 0)
110 EEE740 Advanced Electrochemistry 3(3, 0)
111 EEE741 Advanced Thermal Chemistry 3(3, 0)
112 EEE751 Project Feasibility Study 3(3, 0)
113 EEE790 Industrial Project-II 3(3, 0)
114 EEE791 Independent Studies-II 3(3, 0)
115 EEE792 Directed Study-II 3(3, 0)
116 ETN615 RF Filter Design 3(3, 0)
117 ETN622 RF Propagation and Planning for Wireless Communications 3(3, 0)
118 ETN632 GPS and Navigation Systems 3(3, 0)
119 ETN660 Digital Telephony 3(3, 0)
120 ETN674 Network Management and Operational Network Security 3(3, 0)
121 ETN677 Internet Applications and Services 3(3, 0)
122 ETN679 Interconnection Networks 3(3, 0)
123 ETN683 Wireless LANs 3(3, 0)
124 ETN684 Mobile Applications and Services 3(3, 0)
125 ETN710 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 3(3, 0)
126 ETN711 Numerical and Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics 3(3, 0)
127 ETN731 Modern Radar Systems 3(3, 0)
128 ETN744 Advanced Wireless Communications 3(3, 0)
129 ETN760 Teletraffic Engineering 3(3, 0)
130 ETN762 Broadband Access Networks 3(3, 0)
131 ETN763 Telecommunication Software Design 3(3, 0)
132 ETN775 IP Telephony 3(3, 0)
133 ETN776 Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks 3(3, 0)
134 ETN777 Multimedia Networking 3(3, 0)
135 ETN779 High-Speed Switched Local Area Networks (LANs) 3(3, 0)
136 ETN781 Emerging Wireless Networks 3(3, 0)
137 ETN782 QoS Architectures for Multimedia Wireless Networks 3(3, 0)
138 ETN783 Mobile Devices Applications Development 3(3, 0)
139 ETN785 Wireless Medium Access Techniques 3(3, 0)
140 ETN786 Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWANs) 3(3, 0)
141 ETN787 Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs) 3(3, 0)
142 ETN788 Wireless Personal and Body Area Networks (WPANs/WBANs) 3(3, 0)
143 ETN840 Special Topics in Communication Systems 3(3, 0)
144 ETN843 Advanced Topics in Wireless Communications 3(3, 0)
145 ETN844 Advanced Topics in Information Theory and Coding 3(3, 0)
146 ETN845 Advanced Error Control Coding 3(3, 0)
147 ETN850 Advanced Topics in Telecommunication Electronics 3(3, 0)
148 ETN871 Traffic Engineering and QoS in TCP/IP Networks 3(3, 0)
149 ETN872 Special Topics in Computer Networks 3(3, 0)
150 ETN875 Advanced Internetworking (TCP/IP) Protocols 3(3, 0)
151 ETN880 Advanced Multi-user Systems for Wireless Communications 3(3, 0)
152 ETN882 Selected Topics in Wireless Network Security 3(3, 0)
153 ETN883 Selected Topics in Wireless Networks Design and Planning 3(3, 0)
154 ETN884 Advanced Mobile Applications 3(3, 0)
155 ETN889 Selected Topics in Internet of Things (IoT) 3(3, 0)
List of Specialization/ Area of Electives Courses (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) List of Specialization/ Area of Electives Courses (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
156 ECI673 Automata Theory 3(3, 0)
157 ECI761 Intelligent Control Systems 3(3, 0)
MS with Non-Thesis Option MS Comp Engg Non-Thesis Option
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
158 ECE600 MS Project/Report 0(0, 0)
Networks and Communications MS Computer Engineering Area Elective
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
159 ETN610 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3(3, 0)
160 ETN611 Microwave Passive Devices and Circuits 3(3, 0)
161 ETN612 Microwave Active Devices and Circuits 3(3, 0)
162 ETN613 Introduction to RF Front-End Design 3(3, 0)
163 ETN614 RF System Engineering and Design 3(3, 0)
164 ETN616 Radio Engineering 3(3, 0)
165 ETN620 Antennas Theory, Design and Applications 3(3, 0)
166 ETN621 Radio Wave Propagation 3(3, 0)
167 ETN630 Radar Systems 3(3, 0)
168 ETN631 Satellite Communications 3(3, 0)
169 ETN640 Communications System Engineering 3(3, 0)
170 ETN642 Information Theory and Coding 3(3, 0)
171 ETN650 Communication Electronics Design 3(3, 0)
172 ETN661 Telecommunication Switching Systems 3(3, 0)
173 ETN662 Performance Analysis of Communication Systems 3(3, 0)
174 ETN663 Telecommunication Network Management 3(3, 0)
175 ETN664 Optical Fiber Networks 3(3, 0)
176 ETN665 Communication System Design 3(3, 0)
177 ETN670 Communication Networks-Architectures and Protocols 3(3, 0)
178 ETN672 Queuing Theory for Performance Modeling 3(3, 0)
179 ETN675 Internet Architectures and Protocols 0(0, 0)
180 ETN678 Design of Computer Communication Networks 3(3, 0)
181 ETN680 Wireless Networks 3(3, 0)
182 ETN681 Mobile Cellular Systems and Standards 3(3, 0)
183 ETN682 Mobile and Broadband Networks 3(3, 0)
184 ETN685 Mobile Communication Systems 3(3, 0)
185 ETN686 Wireless Sensor Networks 3(3, 0)
186 ETN712 Microwave Integrated Circuits 3(3, 0)
187 ETN713 RF and Microwave Measurement Techniques 3(3, 0)
188 ETN720 Smart Antennas for Mobile Communications 3(3, 0)
189 ETN730 Radar Signal Processing 3(3, 0)
190 ETN740 Advanced Communication Systems Engineering 0(0, 0)
191 ETN741 Advanced Digital Communications 3(3, 0)
192 ETN743 Adaptive Techniques for Wireless Communications 3(3, 0)
193 ETN745 Advanced Channel Coding Techniques 3(3, 0)
194 ETN746 Channel Estimation and Characterization 3(3, 0)
195 ETN747 Communication Channel Modeling 3(3, 0)
196 ETN748 Wireless Channel Modeling 3(3, 0)
197 ETN750 Advanced Integrated Circuits for Communication 3(3, 0)
198 ETN761 Broadband Network Architectures 3(3, 0)
199 ETN764 Modeling and Analysis of Telecommunication Networks 3(3, 0)
200 ETN765 Transport and Switching Technologies 3(3, 0)
201 ETN766 Short-Range Communication Systems 3(3, 0)
202 ETN770 IP Routing Protocols and Internetwork Design 3(3, 0)
203 ETN771 Advanced Network Programming 3(3, 0)
204 ETN772 Networks and Computer Security 3(3, 0)
205 ETN773 Performance Evaluation of Computer Networks 3(3, 0)
206 ETN774 Cryptography and Secure Communication 3(3, 0)
207 ETN778 Network Programming Techniques 3(3, 0)
208 ETN780 RF Network Planning and Design 3(3, 0)
209 ETN784 Mobile Networking 3(3, 0)
210 ETN789 Advanced Internet of Things (IoT) 3(3, 0)
211 ETN810 Advanced Topics in RF System Design 3(3, 0)
212 ETN811 Advanced Topics in RF/Microwave Engineering 3(3, 0)
213 ETN820 Advanced Topics in Antenna Design 3(3, 0)
214 ETN821 Advanced Topics in Radio Wave Propagation 3(3, 0)
215 ETN822 Advanced Topics in RF Planning and Optimization 3(3, 0)
216 ETN841 Advanced Topics in Communications Theory 3(3, 0)
217 ETN842 Advanced Topics in Communication Signal Processing 3(3, 0)
218 ETN846 Advanced Topics in Information Security 3(3, 0)
219 ETN870 Network Forensics 3(3, 0)
220 ETN873 Advanced Topics in Network Security 3(3, 0)
221 ETN881 Advanced Topics in Wireless Networks 3(3, 0)
222 ETN885 Advanced Mobile Networking 3(3, 0)
Robotics and Machine Vision
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
223 ECI640 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3(3, 0)
224 ECI641 Digital Image Processing 3(3, 0)
225 ECI664 Industrial Automation and Control 3(3, 0)
226 ECI665 Linear Systems Theory 3(3, 0)
227 ECI770 Intelligent Systems 3(3, 0)
228 EEE611 Stochastic Processes 3(3, 0)
229 EEE723 Biologically Inspired Computing 3(3, 0)
Robotics and Machine Vision MS Computer Engineering Specialization
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
230 ECI624 Microprocessor/Microcontroller Based Systems 3(3, 0)
231 ECI642 Digital Filters 3(3, 0)
232 ECI650 Image, Video and Multimedia 3(3, 0)
233 ECI653 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 3(3, 0)
234 ECI661 Digital Control Systems 3(3, 0)
235 ECI674 Pattern Recognition 3(3, 0)
236 ECI721 Embedded Software and RTOS 3(3, 0)
237 ECI723 Embedded Computing Systems 3(3, 0)
238 ECI726 Design of Real-Time Embedded Systems 3(3, 0)
239 ECI740 Estimation of Signals and Systems 3(3, 0)
240 ECI741 Audio Signal Processing 3(3, 0)
241 ECI742 Adaptive Signal Processing 3(3, 0)
242 ECI743 Computer Vision 3(3, 0)
243 ECI744 Advanced Pattern Recognition 3(3, 0)
244 ECI746 Detection and Estimation Theory 3(3, 0)
245 ECI747 Advanced Filter Design 3(3, 0)
246 ECI760 Non-Linear Systems and Control 3(3, 0)
247 ECI762 Advanced Linear Systems 3(3, 0)
248 ECI814 Advanced Microprocessor/Microcontroller Systems 3(3, 0)
249 ECI820 Advanced Topics in Embedded System Design 3(3, 0)
250 ECI822 Advanced Topics in Real-Time Embedded System Design 3(3, 0)
251 ECI833 Security Applications: Watermarking and Biometrics 3(3, 0)
252 ECI835 Digital Watermarking 3(3, 0)
253 ECI840 Special Topics in Signal Processing 3(3, 0)
254 ECI841 Advanced Topics in Image Processing 3(3, 0)
255 ECI842 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision 3(3, 0)
256 ECI847 Advanced Topics in Filter Design 3(3, 0)
257 ECI850 Advanced Topics in Multimedia Technologies 3(3, 0)
258 ECI860 Advanced Topics in Control Systems 3(3, 0)
259 ECI871 Advanced Topics in Pattern Recognition 3(3, 0)
Thesis Thesis
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
260 ECE800 MS Thesis 6(0, 6)


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