COMSATS University Islamabad
Registrar Office, Principal Seat, Islamabad


Scheme of Studies of Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence for Spring 2024

It is Hereby notified that the Academic Council in its 13th Meeting held on June 04, 2012 approved the following Scheme of studies of the Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence , BS- (AI) with effect from at CIIT system.

1. Minimum Duration: 4 Years
2. Minimum Semesters: 8
2. Maximum Duration: 0 Years
4. Maximum Semesters: 0 
3. No. of Credit Hours in each Semester: . - .
Course WorkMin No. of CoursesMin No. of Credit Hrs
1  a. General Education Courses:
2  i. Computing Core (Mandatory courses)
3  ii. Domain Core (Mandatory courses)
4  iii. Domain Elective (any Seven courses from the following list)
5  c. Interdisciplinary/Allied Courses:
6  d. Field Experience/Internship:
7  e. Capstone Project
Total No. of Courses of the Program: .
Total No. of Credit Hours of the Program: .


Common policies and procedures notified vide No. CUI-Reg/Notif-1794/23/1884,dated August 25, 2023 relating to Undergraduate Degree Programs approved by the Competent Authority and amended from time to time shall be applicable.
    Credit Hours : .

1 CSC211 Data Structures 4(3, 1) CSC103
Application of Information and Communication Technologies (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
2 CSC101 Applications of Information and Communication Technologies 3(2, 1)
Arts and Humanities (any one Course from the following list) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
3 ADA111 History and Theory of Art and Culture I 2(2, 0)
4 ARC108 Art Appreciation 2(2, 0)
5 ARC351 Calligraphic Arts 2(2, 0)
6 CSC210 Professional Practices 2(2, 0)
7 HUM310 Islamic History 2(2, 0)
B. List of Interdisciplinary Courses (Mandatory courses) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
8 - *Supporting Elective Courses 3(3, 0)
9 HUM121 Technical and Business Writing 3(3, 0)
10 MTH105 Multivariable Calculus 3(3, 0) MTH104
11 MTH231 Linear Algebra 3(3, 0)
12 MTH262 Statistics and Probability Theory 3(3, 0)
C. Internship (Mandatory courses) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
13 AIC395 Field Experience/Internship 3(0, 3)
Civics and Community Engagement (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
14 HUM208 Civics and Community Engagement 2(2, 0)
D. Capstone Project :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
15 AIC498 Final Year Project I 2(0, 2) CSC241 ,CSC270 ,CSC291
16 AIC499 Final Year Project II 4(0, 4) AIC498
Deficiency Courses (only for Pre-Medical Students)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
17 MTH091 Pre-Calculus I 3(3, 0)
18 MTH092 Pre-Calculus II 3(3, 0)
Entrepreneurship (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
19 MGT250 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 2(2, 0)
Expository Writing (Mandatory Course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
20 HUM120 Expository Writing 3(3, 0)
Functional English (Mandatory Course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
21 HUM104 Functional English 3(3, 0)
i. Computing Core (Mandatory courses) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
22 CSC103 Programming Fundamentals 4(3, 1)
23 CSC241 Object Oriented Programming 4(3, 1) CSC103
24 CSC262 Artificial Intelligence 3(2, 1)
25 CSC270 Database Systems 4(3, 1)
26 CSC291 Software Engineering 3(3, 0)
27 CSC301 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3(3, 0) CSC211
28 CSC323 Operating Systems 3(2, 1)
29 CSC325 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 3(2, 1) EEE240
30 EEE240 Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design 3(2, 1)
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan (Mandatory course) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
31 HUM113 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2(2, 0)
ii. Domain Core (Mandatory courses) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
32 AIC270 Programming for Artificial Intelligence 3(2, 1) CSC262
33 AIC341 Introduction to Computer Vision 3(2, 1)
34 AIC354 Machine Learning Fundamentals 3(2, 1)
35 AIC365 Natural Language Processing 3(2, 1)
36 AIC372 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 3(3, 0) CSC262
37 AIC380 Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning 3(2, 1) CSC262
iii. Domain Elective (any Seven courses from the following list)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
38 AIC332 Agent Based Modeling 3(2, 1)
39 AIC333 Statistical Methods for AI 3(3, 0) MTH262
40 AIC350 *Topics in Artificial Intelligence I 3(3, 0)
41 AIC378 Speech Processing 3(2, 1)
42 AIC456 Reinforcement Learning 3(2, 1)
43 AIC468 Fuzzy Systems 3(2, 1)
44 AIC469 Evolutionary Computing 3(3, 0)
45 AIC470 Knowledge Based Systems 3(2, 1)
46 AIC471 Swarm Intelligence 3(2, 1)
47 AIC483 *Topics in Artificial Intelligence II 3(3, 0)
48 CSC303 Mobile Application Development 3(2, 1) CSC241
49 CSC331 Digital Image Processing 3(2, 1)
50 CSC335 Game Design 3(3, 0)
51 CSC336 Web Technologies 3(2, 1) CSC241
52 CSC337 Advanced Web Technologies 3(2, 1) CSC336
53 CSC353 Computer Graphics 3(2, 1)
54 CSC365 HCI and Computer Graphics 3(2, 1)
55 CSC412 Advanced Programming 3(2, 1) CSC241
56 CSC417 E-Commerce and Digital Marketing 3(2, 1)
57 CSC418 DevOps for Cloud Computing 3(2, 1)
58 CSC421 Robotics 3(3, 0)
59 CSC495 Game Development 3(2, 1) CSC241
60 CSC496 Game Engine Development 3(2, 1) CSC495
61 DSC306 Data Mining 3(2, 1)
Islamic Studies (Mandatory course. HUM116 Ethics is only for Non-Muslims Students) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
62 HUM112 Islamic Studies 2(2, 0)
63 HUM116 Ethics 2(2, 0)
List of Supporting Elective Courses (Any one course for Supporting Elective Courses) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
64 ECO484 Project Planning and Monitoring 3(3, 0)
65 HUM220 Introduction to Psychology 3(3, 0)
66 HUM221 International Relations 3(3, 0)
67 HUM430 French 3(3, 0)
68 HUM431 German 3(3, 0)
69 HUM432 Arabic 3(3, 0)
70 HUM434 Chinese 3(3, 0)
71 MGT131 Financial Accounting 3(3, 0)
72 MGT210 Fundamentals of Marketing 3(3, 0)
73 MGT350 Human Resource Management 3(3, 0)
74 MGT513 New Product Development 3(3, 0)
Natural Sciences (any one course from the following list) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
75 BIO100 Fundamentals of Biology 3(2, 1)
76 BIO310 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3(2, 1)
77 BIO321 Fundamentals of Genetics 3(2, 1)
78 CHM100 Introduction to Chemistry 3(2, 1)
79 PHY124 Applied Physics 3(2, 1)
Quantitative Reasoning (any two courses from the following list)) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
80 CSC102 Discrete Structures 3(3, 0)
81 MTH103 Exploring Quantitative Skills 3(3, 0)
82 MTH104 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3(3, 0)
83 MTH114 Tools for Quantitative Reasoning 3(3, 0)
Social Sciences (any one course from the following list) :
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
84 HUM122 Fundamentals of Psychology 2(2, 0)
85 HUM130 Fundamentals of Sociology 2(2, 0)
86 HUM131 Anthropology 2(2, 0)
87 HUM209 Fundamentals of Political Science 2(2, 0)
88 HUM222 Fundamentals of International Relations 2(2, 0)


Note: 1. Non-Muslim students can opt for HUM114 Ethics 3(3, 0) course in lieu of Islamic Studies, if they intend to. 2. Final Year Project-I must be graded independently. 3. Deficiency Courses (Non-Credit). Students with Pre-Medical background at Intermediate level have to pass deficiency courses i.e., of MTH091 (Pre-Calculus I) and MTH092 (Pre-Calculus II)

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