COMSATS University Islamabad
Registrar Office, Principal Seat, Islamabad


Scheme of Studies of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science for Spring 2014

It is Hereby notified that the Academic Council in its 13th Meeting held on June 04, 2012 approved the following Scheme of studies of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, BS(CS) with effect from at CIIT system.

1. Minimum Duration: 4 Years
2. Minimum Semesters: 8
2. Maximum Duration: 0 Years
4. Maximum Semesters: 0 
Course Work
1  Core Courses
(Min No. of Courses)
1Computer Science Courses 16
2Engineering Courses 04
3Institutional Courses 06
4Allied Courses 06
2  Computer Science Courses
3  Engineering Courses
4  Institutional Courses
5  Allied Courses
6  Elective Courses
(Min No. of Courses)
1Computer Science Courses 06
2Institutional Courses 02
7  Computer Science Courses
8  Institutional Courses
Total No. of Courses of the Program: 40
Total No. of Credit Hours of the Program: 133


The Regulations relating to UnderGraduate Degree Program approved by the Competent Authority and amended from time to time shall also be applicable to this program.
    Credit Hours : 133

Allied Core Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
1 MTH104 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3(3, 0)
2 MTH105 Multivariable Calculus 3(3, 0) MTH104
3 MTH231 Linear Algebra 3(3, 0)
4 MTH242 Differential Equations 3(3, 0) MTH104
5 MTH262 Statistics and Probability Theory 3(3, 0)
6 MTH375 Numerical Computations 3(3, 0) MTH231
Computer Science Core Course
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
7 CSC102 Discrete Structures 3(3, 0)
8 CSC103 Introduction to Computers and Programming 4(3, 1)
9 CSC110 Professional Practices (IT) 3(3, 0)
10 CSC201 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3(3, 0) CSC103
11 CSC211 Data Structures 4(3, 1) CSC103
12 CSC221 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 4(3, 1) CSC103
13 CSC241 Object Oriented Programming 4(3, 1) CSC103
14 CSC271 Database Systems 4(3, 1) CSC103
15 CSC291 Software Engineering I 3(3, 0)
16 CSC312 Automata Theory 3(3, 0) CSC102
17 CSC322 Operating Systems Concepts 3(3, 0) CSC211
18 CSC339 Computer Communication and Networks 4(3, 1)
19 CSC441 Compiler Construction 4(3, 1) CSC312
20 CSC456 Human Computer Interaction 3(3, 0)
21 CSC462 Artificial Intelligence 3(2, 1) CSC103
22 CSC499 Project 2(0, 2)
23 CSC499 Project 4(0, 4)
Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
24 CSC120 Introduction to Natural Language Processing 4(3, 1)
25 CSC205 Introduction to Robotics 3(2, 1)
26 CSC253 Computer Graphics 3(3, 0) CSC103
27 CSC302 Multimedia Authoring 3(3, 0)
28 CSC303 Multimedia Documents and Publishing 3(3, 0)
29 CSC304 Multimedia Entertainment and Gaming 3(3, 0)
30 CSC306 Media Theory, DVD and Compositing 3(3, 0)
31 CSC308 Advanced Website Authoring 3(3, 0)
32 CSC310 Entertainment and Interactive Technologies 3(3, 0)
33 CSC314 Introduction to Machine Learning 3(3, 0)
34 CSC330 E-Commerce 4(3, 1)
35 CSC331 Digital Image Processing 3(3, 0)
36 CSC332 Network Security 3(3, 0)
37 CSC333 Applied Networking 3(1, 2) CSC339
38 CSC334 Distributed Computing 4(3, 1) CSC103
39 CSC336 Web Engineering 4(3, 1) CSC103
40 CSC341 Network Programming 4(3, 1) CSC103
41 CSC343 Network Design and Implementation 3(3, 0)
42 CSC344 Wireless and Mobile Computing 3(3, 0)
43 CSC345 Ubiquities and Pervasive Computing 3(3, 0)
44 CSC347 Problem Solving Techniques 3(3, 0)
45 CSC348 Information Systems Modeling and Design 3(3, 0)
46 CSC349 Open Source Server Administration 3(3, 0)
47 CSC350 Learning Management Systems 3(3, 0)
48 CSC361 IS Physical Design and Implementation 4(3, 1)
49 CSC373 Management Information Systems 3(2, 1)
50 CSC392 Software Engineering II 3(3, 0) CSC291
51 CSC402 E-Commerce Policy and Practices 3(3, 0)
52 CSC412 Cryptography 3(3, 0) CSC339
53 CSC421 Systems Programming 3(3, 0) CSC103
54 CSC440 Fundamentals of Pattern Recognition 3(3, 0)
55 CSC442 Principles of Programming Languages 3(3, 0) CSC241
56 CSC443 Scripting Languages 3(3, 0) CSC336
57 CSC444 Visual Programming 3(3, 0) CSC103
58 CSC445 Modern Programming Languages 3(3, 0) CSC241
59 CSC446 Advanced Object Oriented Programming 3(3, 0) CSC241
60 CSC449 Fundamentals of Semantic Web 3(3, 0)
61 CSC451 Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems 3(3, 0) CSC339
62 CSC452 Virtual Reality 3(3, 0) CSC253
63 CSC454 Computer Animation 3(3, 0) CSC253
64 CSC455 Computer Vision 3(3, 0) CSC253
65 CSC461 Neural Networks 3(3, 0) CSC462
66 CSC471 Distributed Database Systems 3(3, 0) CSC271
67 CSC482 Computer Law 3(3, 0)
68 CSC484 Open Source Paradigm and Technologies 4(3, 1)
69 CSC494 Software Project Management 3(3, 0) CSC392
70 CSC495 Enterprise Resource Planning 3(3, 0)
71 CSC496 Business Process Reengineering 3(3, 0) CSC291
72 CSC510 Game Development 4(3, 1)
73 CSC536 Web Technologies and Programming 3(2, 1) CSC103
74 CSC552 Virtual Reality for Entrepreneurship 3(3, 0)
75 CSC559 Mobile Database Systems 3(3, 0)
76 CSC571 Distributed Database Systems for Business 3(3, 0)
77 CSC573 Business Management Information Systems 3(3, 0)
78 CSC581 Business System Development 3(3, 0)
79 CSC582 Legal Framework for IT businesses 3(3, 0)
80 CSC593 Information Systems Engineering 3(3, 0)
81 CSC595 Business Enterprise Resource Planning 3(3, 0)
82 CSC596 Software Requirement Engineering 3(3, 0)
Elective: Institutional Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
83 HUM220 Introduction to Psychology 3(3, 0)
84 HUM430 French 3(3, 0)
85 HUM431 German 3(3, 0)
86 HUM432 Arabic 3(3, 0)
87 HUM433 Persian 3(3, 0)
88 MGT131 Financial Accounting 3(3, 0)
89 MGT350 Human Resource Management 3(3, 0) MGT101
90 MGT403 Entrepreneurship 3(3, 0) MGT101
91 MGT463 Productivity and Quality Management 3(3, 0) MGT101
92 MGT513 New Product Development 3(3, 0)
Engineering Core Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
93 EEE121 Electric Circuits Analysis I 4(3, 1)
94 EEE231 Electronics I 4(3, 1) EEE121
95 EEE241 Digital Logic Design 4(3, 1) CSC102
96 EEE440 Computer Architecture 3(3, 0) CSC221
Institutional Core Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursCo-requisite(s)Prerequisite (s)
97 HUM100 English Comprehension and Composition 3(3, 0)
98 HUM102 Report Writing Skills 3(3, 0) HUM100
99 HUM103 Communication Skills 3(3, 0) HUM100
100 HUM110 Islamic Studies 3(3, 0)
101 HUM111 Pakistan Studies 3(3, 0)
102 MGT101 Introduction to Management 3(3, 0)


1. ** Non-Muslim students can opt for HUM114 Ethics 3(3, 0) course in lieu of HUM110 Islamic Studies, if they intend to. 2. In order to specialize in a particular track, student must select at least 3 courses from that track. CSC350 and CSC483 (Category of General Computer Science Electives) can be part of any track. 3. CSC350-Topics in Computer Science I and CSC483-Topics in Computer Science II may be allowed to offer upon getting prior approval of the contents of these courses from the Head of Department (HoD). 4. Deficiency Courses (Non-Credit). Students with Pre-Medical background at Intermediate level have to pass deficiency courses i.e., of MTH091 (Pre-Calculus I) and MTH092 (Pre-Calculus II)

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